(too old to reply)
2009-06-17 01:27:45 UTC
Is anyone home? This group seems awful quiet as of late.

Does anyone have any interesting 6809 stories?

Thanks and have a nice day!

Andrew Lynch
Dimiter Popoff
2009-06-17 12:05:46 UTC
Is anyone home?  This group seems awful quiet as of late.
Does anyone have any interesting 6809 stories?
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch
Well not many post here but perhaps there are others like
me who read the group from time to time. 6809 was my first
CPU to build a system around; that system got another incarnation
back then in the 80-s, which was to become my workhorse for many
years. I had written a graphics editor which enabled me to
do schematics and PCB layouts before that was viable in the
PC world (they had some hopelessly slow stuff, unusable).
All this was running under MDOS, the OS which came with the Motorola
Exorciser (I had written the firmware which would enable that).
Having many boards and designs in that format, some years
back - I had to retire the 6809 case after all - I wrote an
emulator of it which runs in a DPS window. Well it runs tens of
times faster (perhaps 100 times) but it does 6809 opcodes etc....
Not so long ago I toyed with it on a new system and took
a screenshot of that graphics editor in action in an SXGA
format... Loading Image... .
Mind you, the first graphics display I had built around 1985
with what parts I could get my hands on back then was a 320x240,
2 bits per pixel. The "workhorse" (which is the emulated one)
had a proud 640x408 (right, 408 and not 480, 480 would not fit
in a 32kx8 RAM), 4 bpp. OK the workhorse consisted actually of
two 6809 based boards, one was the system and the other was the
graphics/text terminal; the terminal is emulated in PPC mode
(was the easy way, some of the DPS window functions are a superset
of what used to be the terminal); the true 6809 emulation is the
"system" system :-).

Cheers and good luck with your projects,


Dimiter Popoff Transgalactic Instruments

