Looking for MC6829 app note AN-859
(too old to reply)
2012-01-31 13:01:55 UTC
Google reveals that a PDF of Motorola app not AN-859 concerning the
MC6829 MMU was available at dynapic.com back in 2006, but today I
can't find it anywhere. My searches turn up Analog Devices and
National Semicoductor app notes with that same number, but of course
those have nothing to do with the MC6829.
Did anyone save a copy of the PDF?
I have this datasheet if you still need it.


Le jour où mon email ne sera plus valide, essayer
***@chaponost.net, puis newsgroup3 et ainsi de suite.
2012-01-31 17:28:32 UTC
Post by Marc
Google reveals that a PDF of Motorola app not AN-859 concerning the
MC6829 MMU was available at dynapic.com back in 2006,
I have this datasheet if you still need it.
Please, if you scan it, consider sending a copy to the Computer History
Museum. Al Kossow is the right guy to contact. Or just get in touch with me
(contact data below, don't just use the e-mail address from the header)
and I'll take care of all the legwork.

Andy Valencia
Home page: http://www.vsta.org/andy/
To contact me: http://www.vsta.org/contact/andy.html
Renee Lerch
2012-02-05 22:20:20 UTC
Post by v***@vsta.org
Post by Marc
Google reveals that a PDF of Motorola app not AN-859 concerning the
MC6829 MMU was available at dynapic.com back in 2006,
I have this datasheet if you still need it.
Please, if you scan it, consider sending a copy to the Computer History
Museum. Al Kossow is the right guy to contact. Or just get in touch with me
(contact data below, don't just use the e-mail address from the header)
and I'll take care of all the legwork.
AN-859 is available nowadays in


Its modification date suggests that the original poster may be
responsible - if so: Thank You, Eric!

I just wish that Freescale had not overhauled their website after
splitting from Motorola - a lot of good stuff went to the great
write-only bitbucket in the sky.
I could use some of those 6809 app notes right now ...

